We take our users’ privacy very seriously. If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy, please contact us.
By using NerdyTechy content, you accept our Terms and Conditions which includes this Privacy Policy. If you do not want to be bound by NerdyTechy’ Privacy Policy, or Terms and Conditions, your only remedy is to stop using NerdyTechy’ content.
Information Sharing
NerdyTechy.Com takes our visitors privacy very seriously. NerdyTechy does not share visitors and users information to any third party in any way until required by law.
NerdyTechy may collect:
- Personal or,
- General visitor-related information
(1) Personal Information Including Email Addresses
NerdyTechy will never sell, lease or share personal information, including names and email addresses, with any third party.
We do not require any personal information of visitors for running NerdyTechy. Visitors may have the opportunity to provide NerdyTechy.com with their personal information in response to specific services or tasks (e.g., signing up for NerdyTechy’s newsletter).
(2) General Visitor-Related Information
Like may other site, NerdyTechy tracks general information tied to our visitors to enhance our visitors’ experiences by analyzing trends, administering the site, tracking user’s movement around the site, and gathering demographic information.
This information includes your web browser, internet provider, active page, internet protocol, click activity and timestamp.
NerdyTechy collects these information through cookies ( a code which extract meta data from your browser)
You have the right to disable these cookies in your browser settings. Disabling such cookies can limit the use of NerdyTechy. These cookies does not give us your personal information.
Other Sites
NerdyTechy’s Privacy Policy only apply to NerdyTechy.Com content and information. Other sites which link to NerdyTechy, or advertise on NerdyTechy have there own policies.
When you click on these advertisements or sites automatically get your IP address.
Google’s doubleclick dart cookies, As a third party advertising vendor, Google will place a DART cookie on your computer when you visit a site using DoubleClick or Google AdSense advertising. Google uses this cookie to serve ads specific to you and your interests. We don’t have any control over these cookies. (basically they show ads on your previous browsing behavior)
Policy Changes
Please note that we may change our Privacy Policy from time to time. Users can view our latest Privacy Policy at any time.
Contact Us
For any queries related to information or privacy policy of NerdyTechy.Com, you can reach to us by emailing us at contact@nerdytechy.com